Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, - Hebrews 12:28

Welcome to the worship ministry at SHCC. Our goal each week is to create an atmosphere of worship that allows God's people to offer Him acceptable worship. 

Here at SHCC, we sing a variety of styles of music, so you are sure to find something you enjoy.

We are continually looking for people willing to serve in this ministry. If you enjoy music, or you enjoy the "behind-the-scenes" tech stuff, there is a variety of ways for you to get involved in this ministry.

Choir: Our choir is open to anyone in middle school or older who enjoys making music. Currently, our choir is seasonal. Our season starts up in September and usually concludes at Easter. We rehearse at 11:45 on Sunday morning. We are always looking for new faces and voices.

Praise Team: Our praise team is a select group of vocalists that help lead our congregation in worship each week. Vocalists serve on a weekly rotation. Time commitment involves band rehearsal at 8:00 am on Sunday's as well as personal practice during the week.

Praise Band: We use a variety of instruments on Sunday morning. Currently our regular needs include Keyboard, Drums, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar (Lead and Rhythm) and Acoustic Guitar.

Audio/Visual Team: Our behind-the-scenes crew may not be seen but they are vitally important. This includes running sound, lyrics (ProPresenter) and video.

If you would like more information about any of these areas, or would like to know how to join this exciting ministry please call (219) 759-2575.